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King’s Florists

Providing fresh flowers at quality prices

Providing floral solutions for everyone in West Meadows, FL


With an approved Wholesale account, you’ll find the very best pricing we offer. Find out about programs we offer that will save you even more.

Guest Checkout

Don’t have an account with us, but looking for fresh flowers and other resources? No worries, use our guest checkout.

New Feature Update-Choose Your Delivery Date

When you are shopping, under PRODUCT FILTERS, you will see a place to choose your delivery date. Just beneath that, you will see the cutoff time for when your order must be submitted, in order to deliver your order on time.



Shop Greens at King's Florists

Shop Greens

No floral arrangement is complete without a variety of greens. Shop our collection of fresh greens to help your flowers stand out.

Shop flowers at King's

Fresh Flowers

Whatever the occasion, we have the perfect flowers for every situation. Browse our selection and take advantage of our wholesale prices.

Shop Plants at King's Florist

Shop Plants

Want something that will last longer than cut flowers? Shop our plants. They’ll bring beauty to your home or business for years to come.

Shop Supplies at King's Florists

Shop Supplies

Whether you need vases, baskets, or other arrangement tools, we’ve got you covered! Shop our supplies to see everything we have to offer.

Latest Specials and Updates at King's

Featured Products at King's Florists

Featured Products

Check out these gold deals and save yourself some green.

Current sales at Kings Direct

Current Sales

Don't miss out on savings for any of your floral needs.

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100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

If you have any issues with your order, just let us know within 48 hours, and we’ll make it right.

Learn about King’s Direct

Located in Central Florida and Proudly Serving the West Meadows area

Since our founding in 1948, our family has been providing flowers, greens, and other supplies to wholesalers and DIY specialists alike. Here at King’s Wholesale Florists, we pride ourselves on supplying the highest quality of flowers to our customers at affordable prices. Whatever your business or project needs, our team is here to help!

The purpose of King’s Wholesale Florists is to glorify Jesus by the way we serve our customers, care for our employees, treat our suppliers, and help the community.

Why People Love King’s Wholesale Florists


"The flowers they created for my sister were gorgeous! I like to find a local shop to support even if I live hundreds of miles away. The person who took my order was friendly, helpful, and thorough."

Schlosser Beatrice

"This place is awesome. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is friendly and helpful. I wasn't sure what I wanted, and a young lady very patiently helped me decide. Prices are excellent and the flowers are beautiful."


"The people there are so nice. They helped me select the right flowers for our special occasions and made sure the deliveries went well."

Peter Kopchik

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